A Year Later, Black Fraternity And Sorority Members Still Mourn The Victims Of The Charleston Shooting
Thursday June 16th marks exactly one year since the horrible day when 22-year-old Dylan Roof walked into Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina, spent an hour in a prayer meeting, and then opened fire, killing nine people.
Five of the nine people killed were members of Black fraternities and sororities. Among them was the pastor of the church and current state senator, the Honorable Clementa C. Pinckney, who happened to be a member of Alpha Phi Alpha, Daniel L Simmons (a member of Phi Beta Sigma), two members of Alpha Kappa Alpha, Cynthia Graham-Hurd and Sharonda Coleman Singleton and Delta Sigma Theta soror Myra Thompson.
According to the New York Times,
“Sylvia Johnson, a cousin of Mr. Pinckney, told NBC News that she had spoken with a survivor of the shooting who told her the gunman reloaded five times. The survivor, she said, told her that the gunman had entered the church and asked for the pastor. Then he sat next to Mr. Pinckney during the Bible study before opening fire.
“I have to do it,” the gunman was quoted as saying. “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”
The Black greek community still is mourning the loss of all of the victims of this horrible atrocity and is remembering them by sharing their stories online. We will not forget these beautiful souls who had their lives taken one year ago.
Click on the stories below and share them with your friends and family of Facebook. We will not let these brothers and sisters be forgotten.
Delta Sigma Theta Sister, Myra Thompson Among Those Killed In Charleston Shooting
Phi Beta Sigma Brother, Daniel L. Simmons Among Those Killed In Charleston Church Shooting
Cynthia Graham-Hurd Named As The Second Alpha Kappa Alpha Member Killed In Charleston Shooting
Alpha Phi Alpha Brother, Rev Clementa C. Pinckney Among Those Killed In Charleston Church Shooting
Alpha Kappa Alpha Member Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Killed In Charleston Shooting
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