17 Restaurants With Student Discounts That Every Hungry Broke College Student Should Know About

College is a struggle for most students when it comes to that bank account but if you know how to finesse the system the right way, you can definitely make it easier on your wallet when it comes to food by simply flashing your student ID at a lot of restaurants.
Many students don’t know it but you can get discounts from restaurants including McDonalds, Dominoes and even Chick-fil-A by just showing your college ID.
We know the struggle is real so we at Watch The Yard made a list of our favorite college discounts.
Check it out below and thank us later.
McDonald’s: It might sound a little weird to ask about student discounts at McDonald’s but there is one. If you show your ID while ordering you can get 10% off your purchase. No shame in the game, we all gotta eat, gon’ head and turn that Dollar Menu into a 90 Cent Menu!
Burger King: Burger King has the same deal. If you show your Student ID and ask for the student discount you can get 10% off your next meal.
Chick-fil-A: A LOT of people don’t know this outside of students in the deep south but if you use your Student ID while ordering anything at Chick-fil-A you to get a free drink. That is definitely a come up.
Pizza Hut: Struggling and need to buy one meal that will last you the whole day? Pizza Hut offers a discount of between 10-20% off your next pie depending on location. Eat half for dinner and start the morning with cold pizza for breakfast while rushing to class.
Chipotle: We all have had a situation where we were hungry and low on funds and Chipotle came through and saved the day. Did you know that if you use your student ID with a purchase you can get a free soft drink?
Dunkin’ Donuts – Need caffeine to get through your next class? Show your ID and get 10% off your purchases
Subway – Most campuses have at least one Subway either on campus or close to them. Did you know that they offer 10% off a total purchase with a student ID?
Bucca Di Beppo – Oh you fancy huh? Need some noodles? 10% off your meal. Gon’ head treat YOURsellllllf!
Arby’s: Got a craving for curly fries? You can save 10% off your entire meal when you show your Student ID at Arby’s.
Buffalo Wild Wings: At many Buffalo Wild Wings (not all) you can get 10% off your meal if you ask about their student discount.
TCBY: Nees some yogurt? Flash your student ID at the register and get 15% off your purchase.
Waffle House: If your friends have not told you about this and they already know about it they probably are not your real friends. If you show the server your student ID you can save 10%. This is perfect for late nights after the party.
Papa Johns: You can get between a 10 and 20% discount by telling the person taking your order you have a valid student ID.
IHOP: Pull up to the IHOP with your student ID and get 10% off your order
Qdoba: Qdoba lets you choose between two things if you show your ID. a) free drink with your purchase or b) a $5 burrito meal. Why the F would you not choose B?
Taco Bell – A student ID will get you 10% off at Taco Bell
Dominoes – Need more pizza in your life? You get 10 to 20% off your meals with a student ID.
We really hope this helps. Please share around with your friends, this could really help them get through the struggle of undergrad/grad school.
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