Proof That Kappa Alpha Psi Members Were Basically Superhuman Ninjas At Twirling In The 90s
When it comes to the dancing styles connected with Black fraternities and sororities in the United States, nothing quite compares to how the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi twirl their canes.
While true Kappa Kanemasters who are undergrads seem be fewer in numbers nowadays, there was once a time when every undergrad in the fraternity had to master the skill to truly earn his letters.
We at WatchTheYard.com recently came across this video from 1993 of the brothers from the famous Zeta Beta Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi at Prairie View A&M University doing a yard show that consisted of some of the best twirling you’ve ever seen.
If you want to see what 90s Kappa twirling looked like, this is one of the best references you will get.
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