Leadership Highlight: Junior Vice Polemarch of Kappa Alpha Psi’s Eastern Province, Tyleik Edmunds

This summer, the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi held a conference for their Junior Vice Polemarchs (JVPs), the undergraduate brothers who have been chosen by the fraternity to represent regional leadership of the fraternity.
In an effort to highlight these young brothers, we at Watch The Yard reached out to the fraternity and were put in contact with them for interviews. Among these JVPs was Tyleik Edmunds, a 22-year-old Spring 2017 initiate of the fraternity’s Theta Psi chapter at Virginia Tech who is the Junior Vice Polemarch of the Eastern Province which is made up of DC, Maryland, Virginia, and Bermuda.
We talked to the Virtual Design major about his position and goals.
Read the full interview below.
What does it mean to be a Junior Vice Province Polemarch to you?
It’s an honor to be in this position. I’ve always been told that I was a leader but my leadership skills have never really been put to the test. Being Junior Vice Province Polemarch will show me how to be a better leader while giving me the chance to learn more about the business side of our great Fraternity.
What are the specific initiatives you are working on this year in your province?
Mental Health Awareness, Financial Literacy, Achievement Academy, Voter Registration,
What are you doing this year to specifically support the undergraduate chapters that you represent?
I ensure that chapters are aware of all approaching deadlines, as well as advising chapters on different issues or complications they may encounter

Photo Credit: @k3v0art
What made you want to pledge Kappa Alpha Psi?
I felt that Kappa Alpha Psi would help bring out the best qualities of myself. I also personally identify with the objectives of the fraternity. My research combined with the great presence on campus made it a no brainer.
What is it about your province that makes it so unique in Kappa?
The closeness of my province is what makes us so unique. We all communicate and fellowship on a regular basis, being sure to maintain that bond of brotherhood.
In what ways have you experienced mentorship from alumni brothers as a JVP?
They have helped me to understand how serious I should take the position. They have also showed me the mindset I must have to properly fill my position.
We now live in a digital world, what do you think undergraduate chapters across all orgs need to do to represent themselves online in 2018?
Be sure to take advantage of social media. With attention spans being so low now, its important to be able to hook your audience in a short period of time. Social media is a great platform to do so.
Why do you think Watch The Yard is important to Black greekdom?
It boosts the exposure of black excellence and shines a positive light on greek life. It also promotes networking and brings the black community together as a whole.
What does brotherhood mean to you?
Brotherhood is a commitment. You look out for your brother, care for him, always tell him the truth, and make sure you all hold each other accountable. It’s knowing that without a doubt, your brother has your back.
What do you plan on doing after graduation?
After graduation I plan to attend grad school, as well as continuing to pursue music.
We at Watch The Yard would like to thank Tyleik Edmunds and the brothers at Kappa Alpha Psi including Ryan E. Tucker, MPA, the Director of Undergraduate & University Affairs for making this interview possible.
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