The Brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi in Houston Just Published This List of Things You Can Do to Help Hurricane Survivors
The Houston (TX) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. just released the following “Disaster Response Update” regarding Hurricane Harvey and the work that the members of the fraternity are doing to help survivors in the city. The message, which was penned by the alumni chapter’s Polemarch Ronald J. Lockett, II, covers FEMA, volunteer opportunities and ways that people can donate.
Read the full letter below
The Houston (TX) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc. is working with the other area alumni chapters, the Kappa Disaster Response & Recovery Team, FEMA, the Red Cross, and the City of Houston. We have offered the Houston Alumni Kappa House as a POD (Point of Distribution) related to the flood recovery effort. There are truckloads of resources that are already moving into position to service the area. This will allow us to play a vital role in the response and the ongoing long-term recovery efforts. At this time, the Kappa House (3349 Southmore Blvd, Houston, TX 77004) has not been activated as an official FEMA Point of Distribution, but we will begin accepting supplies from those able to donate starting Thursday, August 31, 2017 at 11:00am – 4:00pm and continuing daily (*Suggested supply list attached)
There are many immediate volunteer opportunities at shelters in Houston and the surrounding communities where our assistance is greatly needed. If you are safely able to leave your home to serve our fellow neighbors at a shelter, please do. We encourage you to wear Kappa Alpha Psi paraphernalia. (Thank you to those who were able to volunteer over the past few days)
Monetary donations can be made directly to the Houston (TX) Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi to purchase supplies, water, clothing, food for displaced members & their families along with the citizens of Houston communities: www.houkappa.com/donate
We have recently spoken to the Polemarchs of the Beaumont & Port (TX) Arthur Alumni Chapters and they are dealing with the storm as well. They have several brothers who are currently waiting to be evacuated from their flooded homes while the rain is still pouring down. Please keep them and their families in your prayers as well as those in the Lake Charles, LA area.
We encourage affected individuals to immediately register with FEMA. Registering online at: www.DisasterAssistance.gov or www.fema.gov is the quickest way to register for FEMA assistance. Those who do not have access to the internet may register by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362). Those interested in becoming a part of FEMA’s standing disaster workforce should visit: https://careers.fema.gov/reservists-program
Please stay safe and heed the guidance and warnings of local authorities. Keep the Faith and remember your life is more important than any material possessions.
Yours in the Bond,
Ronald J. Lockett, II
Polemarch, Houston (TX) Alumni Chapter
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.
“Brotherhood, Achievement, Service & Social”