This is How to Get the DIY Materials to Make Your Kappa Kane Shipped to Your Door for Free.99

If you are a member of Kappa Alpha Psi living in certain parts of the country, you know how stressful it can be to secure the materials to make a quality Kappa Kane. Whether it be preparing for a step show and trying to locate a store that has 15 canes in stock for your whole step team or being an alumni member who does not want to spend all day driving around the city trying to explain to people at the CVS that you need them to go into the back and see if they have any wooden canes in stock, the main problem that people face is getting the supplies to make the cane.
We at Watch The Yard have seen a recent decline in the amount of undergrad Kanemasters and thus we wanted to help promote the art of the Kappa Kane by making the materials to make a proper Kappa Kane easy to obtain with free shipping and something you can do with the simple click of a button. (Please remember that if you are not a Kappa, you are not supposed to own or twirl Kappa Kanes. They are not for you bro…close this tab on your browser and go on with your day.)
This is a public website so we are not going to give any secrets away on making the correct Kappa Kane. Most Kanemasters and chapters teach different techniques for cutting and wrapping based on the state/city they are in anyway. What we are going to do is give you the links to where you can buy all of the material and tools online at a cheaper cost than buying them in a store. We’ve made sure to find quality products for this list that any Kanemaster would agree with as well as secured links that offer FREE SHIPPING in order to make sure that purchasing the materials won’t break your bank.
Check out the list of materials below and share this with your fellow Kappas.
1. Wooden Cane

This is the classic cane used by most steppers and twirlers across the country. The Natural Ash Finish Wood Cane is sturdy and sophisticated and features the round handle that is signature to the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi who twirl. We really suggest buying these online because the alternative is going to health stores like CVS and Walgreens who usually only have a small amount in stock. This becomes a problem because before a step show, your team could spend the whole week scouring stores around your city trying to secure enough for the whole step team. (We suggest that before every step show, each member have two custom cut and wrapped canes that are specific to them, but you already knew that…) By buying these two weeks before the yard show, step show or event, you will be guaranteed to have enough for everyone and will save a ton on gas, time, travel and stress.
Here are two links for canes that you can easily buy online:
The Standard Carex Health Brands Round Handle Wood Cane, Natural – $15.47
- This is the classic natural ash finished wood cane mentioned above. If you want to go with the classic cane this is it.
Carex Round Handle Wood Cane, Walnut, 1 Inch, 0.8 Pound – $10.70(Free shipping with Amazon Prime)
- If you have Amazon Prime, this is a very economical cane because it is only $10.70 with free shipping. It has a sturdy walnut finish that reinforces it and keeps it from breaking. If you are buying in bulk, this might be the best move for you/your step team.
2. Red and White Electrical Tape

You can buy red and white electrical tape at most stores but by buying it on Amazon prime you can avoid having to buy it in bundles with extra colors like yellow that you will never use. Each roll of this particular tape is 66 feet long so we suggest buying two of each color so that you don’t end up wrapping a couple of canes and ending up with one cane that is only half wrapped.
Here is a link to buy this tape with free shipping for only $5.19 a roll. (Make sure that you pick the right colors when ordering): Red and White Electrical Tape – $5.19 + FREE SHIPPING
3. Scissors
To get the best wrap, you are going to need scissors that can cut the tape cleanly. Most people have scissors somewhere lying around but in the case you don’t, here is a link for some quality red Scotch brand scissors for $2.72 with free shipping included: Scotch Multi-Purpose Scissor, 7-Inches – $2.72+FREE SHIPPING
4. Stanley 20-526 15-Inch 12-Point/Inch SharpTooth Saw
Everyone has their own preferences on the length of their cane and you are almost never going to want to use the standard length of the cane for stepping and twirling. In order to cut the cane, you are going to want to buy a saw that will get you the right fit. We suggest the Stanley 20-526 15-inch 12-point/inch SharpTooth Saw. With Amazon prime, the saw is only $13.56 and they will ship it to your door for free. Just make sure not to cut your fingers off. Click here to buy the saw
Bonus: X-ACTO 2 Knife
(For those who want to get fancy)
If you want to add designs, graphics, or words to your cane, the best bet is to purchase a quality X-ACTO Knife. This is not a necessary tool, but if you want to customize your cane, this is what you need.
Here is a link to purchase a quality one for cheap: X-ACTO 2 Knife $5.90 + FREE Shipping
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