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Leadership Highlight: Bowie State University’s Student Government President Tierra Parker

In an effort to highlight the people who are leading colleges and universities across the nation, we at Watch The Yard reached out to Bowie State University and did an interview with Tierra Parker, the 2024-2025 Student Government Association president.

The position of SGA president is a highly respected role, and there is a special pride in being elected by peers to lead. Parker, who is majoring in Criminal Justice, is from Baltimore and is a proud Spring 2023 initiate of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

We interviewed Tierra Parker and talked to her about her position, goals, future, and what it means to hold this type of leadership position in 2024-2025.

Read the full interview below.

What is the biggest thing you’ve learned as an SGA president so far?

As student government association president, I’ve learned that you should never let a no stop your fight. There will be many times where people will not see your vision, and have differing opinions. When you’re serving your student body you must have the will and the determination to not stop until the best possible outcome for your students has been achieved. You may get 1,000 no’s but the person who gives you a yes may be the best choice. This is something I’ve learned being student government association president.

What made you decide to attend Bowie State University for undergrad?

Bowie State University chose me! The moment I walked onto the campus, my feet lightened, and I knew I was at home. My father and sister had both attended Bowie State, and I knew that theirs was where I had to be. I was looking into other schools at the time but no other school felt like Bowie State did. I have never regretted it a day in my life.

How has Bowie State University molded you into the person you are today?

Bowie State has given me the ability to seek help whenever I needed to. I have always struggled with seeking help and assistance. I felt like I could always do things on my own, and that was causing me to always be burnt out. Bowie State has taught me to seek help early and in a timely manner so that I may be equipped with all the tools to succeed. You aren’t able to do anything on your own in this life, and you will need help at some point in your life. So it’s okay to ask for help!

What specific initiatives have you headed up this year (or are planning), and how do you think they will improve the school and surrounding community?

We are trying to continue the future of fall commencement at Bowie State. We are also trying to make sure we are building a better morale on our campus. When the morale is high, students love their student experience. Lastly, we are trying to build a lasting connection with our alumni and create an environment where our students want to be active with the university once they graduate.

How is your SGA administration/school currently working on attending to the mental health of students?

The Hope Administration at Bowie State has offered many opportunities for our students to decompress and focus on their mental health. For example, a day after the election we hosted a mental health day called refresh and reflect. We had yoga and sound baths, painting, and some carnival activities for the student body to engage in. We noticed our students felt defeated after the election so we had the opportunity for them to boost their spirits. We also give our students opportunities to release their mental and emotional struggles at our student body forums every month.

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership means to lead by the heart, and to focus on not a way out but a way through whatever happens. Leadership is being able to take yourself out of the equation and find a solution for the common good of everyone you serve.

We now live in a digital world, what do you think schools need to do to represent themselves online in 2025?

Schools need to find ways to meet students where they are. The ways of the past are not going to be able to gain the same engagement and status as they used to. By hopping onto new trends, finding new ways to engage and make ways to have the students be involved will help represent the school and their student body better. All this can be done and still remain a professional and respected entity online.

Why do you think Watch The Yard is important to Black students and college culture?

Watch The Yard is important to Black student and college culture because it gives a very unique opportunity to connect students from all HBCUs and even people who just admire HBCUs. It also shows the world just how special both things are. Our culture and our universities have so much talent and things to offer the world, and we get a chance to showcase it via Watch The Yard.

What do you plan on doing after graduation?

I plan on perusing a masters degree in forensic psychology from John Jay school of Criminal Justice in New York. I also plan on having a career as a juvenile justice professional.

We at Watch The Yard would like to commend Tierra Parker for her work as the SGA president of Bowie State University.

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