Coronavirus Is Causing Black Fraternity and Sorority Probates and Events to Get Canceled and Postponed Across the Nation

As more and more universities shut down, cancel classes and move to online and remote/online educational alternatives, it was only a matter of time before we started to see coronavirus affect the Black fraternity and sorority spring season.
Many universities are canceling all public events in response to the CDC’s recommendation to practice social distancing. Around the country, both undergraduate and alumni Black fraternity and sorority chapters are also posting cancellation and postponement flyers and notifications for their events.
Usually March, April and May are months where chapters welcome in a wave of spring lines. Many are asking what will happen as probate, new member presentation and neophyte presentation seasons come near. Will their shows be pushed to later and safer months? Most likely. Will they lean more on the internet to celebrate? Probably. What will be the alternatives and solutions? While there is surely a reasonable answer, only time will tell.

Along with this, regional fraternity and sorority events are being postponed until further notice. The brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi publicly postponed their Southern, Eastern, East Central and Northeastern Province Council meetings.

Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. released a statement stating that chapters should operate virtually to the fullest extent possible, until at least March 31, 2020. They also encouraged chapters to consider postponing the Youth Symposium, if able, until at least after March 31, 2020,
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s website states that all tours of their National Headquarters are suspended until further notice. The North Manhattan Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta has also postponed their fundraising concert featuring Grammy Award winner Erica Campbell.

All in all, these safety precautions are the right thing to do in an unprecedented time of uncertainty. Fraternities and sororities are taking heed to their responsibility to protect themselves and keep the communities that they serve safe.

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