The Davidson College AKAs Took Home 21 Awards from their Sorority’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference

The women of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. at Davidson College in North Carolina are making MAJOR moves!
The Sigma Psi Chapter of the sorority recently brought home a whopping 21 award’s from Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference in Charlotte, NC.
“It’s truly an honor to be able to say that Sigma Psi walked away from the 65th Mid-Atlantic Regional conference with 21 awards!” their chapter president, Bri’ana Odum told Watch The Yard. “As a fairly young chapter, the first sorority to be chartered on our PWI’s campus, it can be hard to garner support or recognition from the greater campus community. That is, apart from those individuals on our campus who are also a part of the NPHC.
Their awards include:
* Outstanding Undergraduate Chapter Program
* Linda H. Gilliam S.M.A.R.T. Award to Soror Kiambra Griffin
* Barbara W. Davis Community Involvement Award
* Undergraduate Soror Scholar Award to Soror Rosalia Polanco
* Vivian H. Burke Basileus of the Year Award to Soror Rosalia Polanco
* Carolyn G. Ennis Outstanding Undergraduate Creative Writer Award to Soror Mya Webb.
* Rose Butler Brown Undergraduate Membership (16-30) Award
* Deloris E. Ray Wilson Award for Largest Percentage in Attendance
* 2 Fall into Flourish Awards for Programming
* Barbara W. Davis Mid-Atlantic Endowment Scholarship for Superior Academic Performance to Soror Bri’ana Odom
* Doris R. Asbury Endowment Scholarship for Superior Academic Performance to Soror Bri’ana Odom
* Clara McRae Hines Scholarship for Superior Academic Performance and Demonstrated Community Service to Soror Bri’ana Odom
* 1st Place: Educational Enrichment Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Health Promotion Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Family Strengthening Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Environmental Ownership Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Global Impact Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Think HBCU Hall of Fame Award
* 1st Place: AKA One Million Backpacks Achievement Award
* 1st Place: Overall LNDS Achievement Award
According to the chapter president, this was not just about current members but they recognize the women who came before them and paved the way for them to make these type of achievements.
“Despite it all we consistently strive to make the women who came before us proud, to honor the legacy of our Founders, and to live out our organization’s purpose every day,” Odum said. “We are the product of the hard work of the Alpha women who came before us and the ones who work to support us today. We will always and forever strive to consistently be of service to ALL mankind!”
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