[This piece was written by WatchTheYard.com guest writer Alexzandria Chill | UNT Graduate. Marketing Freak. Frankie Bev Fanatic. Adamant Knowledge Seeker. Lady of ZPHIB (Pearl Clu5). Founder of Blog: @DPTaughtMe]
Greek gifting season is upon us people! Probates, graduations, holidays and birthdays. Tis the season to give, give and give otra vez! Whether we’re purchasing something for ourselves, our Spesh, Sandz, Number, Neo, Legacy, or whoever, you name it, we’re going all out on the cool Nalia! Because that’s what we’re supposed to do. After all, we all have a bajillion shirts with our organization’s letters and/or sayings on them. Somewhere in our apartment, we can find at least 3 variations of wooden paddles, picture frames, shadow boxes or whatever else can be made with wood and paint. It’s TRA-DISH-E-ON!
HOOOOOOWWEEVA! Sometimes we just don’t know what to do with with all of our divine digs. Especially our tshirts. Seriously, what are we supposed to do with half a million tshirts from picnics, neo years, homecomings, etc? When we can’t answer that question, we end up with this foolishness:
For the LIFE of me, I don’t understand why people just don’t regift their tshirts. There are plenty of new members, broke college students, and people like me who scour the internet all day looking for a dope design and a decent price who NEED shirts.
Sooooo, with that being said, if you’re trying to get rid of an old shirt for whatever reason, BEFORE you decide to throw it away or send it to the thrift store, here are a few ways to revamp, reinvent and regift your Greek paraphernalia. It’ll look great and it won’t break the bank! AYYYYEEEEE!!!! :
Even though this picture has more Frat shirts than Sorority shirts, this installation is only for the ladies. We got you next time fellas. It’ll be good, I promise!
In The Cut:
One awesome way to regift a t-shirt is to take the scissors to it. You’ll want to wash the shirt first of course. If the color is kind of faded, see if you can dye it back to its original color. Once everything is fresh and dry, get to cutting! Here are a few ideas you can try yourselves. (Psssst….If you keep a couple of shirts for yourself, I won’t tell anyone. Pinky promise…no AKA…but no shade…I’ma a Zeta..ok…you get the picture.)
Little Legacies:
You can always find the classic “My Aunti is…”, “My Mommy is..” tshirts for your little aspirants, but those come a dime a dozen. If you want to give them something a little more personal, try these cute ideas:
As women on the go, anything that makes our busy lives easier, we’re all for it. Here are a couple of ideas that are fashionable and fast!
Sorority Sleep:
Even though we women are always on the run (insert Beyonce voice here), it is important that we get our beauty rest. And I don’t know about you, but I love me a good throw pillow honey! Here are few DIY throw pillow options to try. If you get too tired with all the other suggestions, this will come in handy. Mmmm hmmmm.
I know it’s not always easy getting gifts for others, especially when you’re on a tight budget. Shoot, it’s hard getting stuff for yourself. My hope is that you have some options to give inexpensive, unique and meaningful gifts that will last a little less than a lifetime, but way longer than a few days. And I BETTER not see any of these in a thrift store somewhere. lol
If you want to add some bang to your buck, do these diy projects as a group. Bring your old nalia and have a decor party for your graduates, neos, etc. Or if you want to keep the items for yourselves, have a nalia sorority swap party! This way, the items stay in the family and you get something “new”. If you and your girls are all in the same chapter, think about doing the swap with another local undergraduate or grad chapter to really diversify your pickings.

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